EXAP and classification


EXAP and classification

Fire resistance tests according to European standards provide a direct field of application (DIAP). In addition to the direct area of application, it is also possible for many construction products to adjust the area of application based on European standards, namely the EXAP or Extended field of application.

An additional advantage of the EXAP standards is the possibility to have the output classified. For those products for which CE marking is possible, the extended classification can be used as a Declaration of Performance (DoP).

An EXAP cannot yet be drawn up under accreditation. However, the party that draws up an EXAP must demonstrate demonstrable affinity by having performed at least one of the tests for which the EXAP is written.

Do you have questions? Efectis is happy to help you identify the possibilities for you.

Assessment in lieu of fire testing (Desktop studies) / EXAP

Fire testing (Resistance to Fire, Cladding) provides a direct field of application (DIAP) for the product or system assessed.  However, testing each and every possible product variant would impose an unbearable cost and time outlay for manufacturers and assessors. Therefore, a set of standards has been issued to set the procedures for extending the field of application (EXAP) of construction products, or by assessment in lieu of fire testing where there is no specific standard for extended application; also called ‘desktop study’. However, the extension is not automatically guaranteed, but depends on the results of the analysis conducted on the test data made available by the sponsor/manufacturer. It is therefore compulsory to demonstrate data of at least one fire test.

Based on EXAP rules, greater variations are allowed in contrast to the DIAP rules which are limited to the particular product or design as tested. As a result, the EXAP rules practically allow manufacturers to reduce the total number of tests required. An additional advantage of the EXAP standards is the possibility of having the output classified and used as a Declaration of Performance (DoP).

Efectis actively participate in technical committees, collaborating in working groups with various industrial and academic partners for development or revision of both DIAP and EXAP standards.

Below standards and guidelines have been developed to facilitate above-mentioned services:

  • CEN TS 15117: Guidance on direct and extended application
  • BS EN 15725: Extended Application reports on the fire performance of construction products and building elements
  • BS 9414: Fire performance of external cladding systems – the application of results from BS 8414-1 and BS 8414-2 tests

Efectis team of experts can provide extended field of application (EXAP) reports for extending the application of existing fire test data, based on

  • BS EN 15254: Extended application of results from fire resistance tests – Non-loadbearing walls; or
  • BS EN 15269: Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware

In the cases where there is no specific standard for the extended application, if possible, our experts can produce assessment reports in accordance with the principles in BS EN 15725 as required by Approved Document B Amendment 2020 Appendix B.

It is therefore advised that manufacturers to get in touch with our engaged and highly skilled personnel to discuss options for testing and possible future use of data for offering a tailored to the needs solution.

Recent references

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