
External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), applied to the facades of buildings and also known as Thermal Insulation Package System, are subject to the Construction Products Regulation (CPR, 305/2011/EU) which is an obligatory legislation in both EU and Türkiye, Legislation Regarding the Criteria for Construction Products (2009/RG 27270), and Fire Protection Code of Buildings (2007/12937 and 2015 RG. 7401), which are domestic legislations of the Republic of Türkiye, and finally to the following European Assessment Documents (EAD):

European Assessment Document (EAD) is a harmonized technical specification, designed by the EOTA to provide a basis for the European Technical Assessments (ETA). The ETA document facilitates the CE marking of construction products, which are not covered by a harmonized European standard (hEN) within the scope of Construction Products Regulation (EU) 305/2011, for manufacturers. CE marking enables the manufacturers to freely market their product in European Economic Area, Switzerland, and Türkiye.

External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS), are subject to the EADs listed above, and are subject to CE marking in the provision of the ETA document and the Consistency of Performance certificates.

The EADs defined for these thermal insulation systems include comprehensive testing and certification processes, which require that the performance of the system is tested as a whole kit, to determine the final performance of the assembled components of the system (thermal insulation material, adhesive, rendering, glass-fiber mesh, surface coating materials and all components within the system) through tests that simulate real life conditions. According to EAD, the ETA (European Technical Assessment) Document is issued by a Technical Assessment Body (TAB) approved by the European Organization for Technical Approvals (EOTA) for ETICS.

For example, the EAD 040083-00-0404 document, which is valid for external composite thermal insulation systems with renderings, requires a rigorous testing process including component and system-based Reaction to Fire tests for evaluating system performance, Hygrothermal experiments (simulating the 25 years of performance of the system under precipitation, hot and cold/freezing conditions) on large-scale walls, followed by tests for performances including but not limited to the weathered surface properties, cracking test, impact resistance, and perforation. ETA and Consistency of Performance certificates are issued when both the FPC (Factory Production Control) audit carried out by the Notified Body assigned in the relevant EAD, and the evaluation of the consistency of performance according to System 1 have positive results, along with the testing process defined above.

Efectis Era Avrasya and its partner TZUS sp, a European Technical Assessment body and a Notified Body, perform performance tests for thermal insulation composite systems manufactured by their customers in the TZUS laboratory in Czechia, and reaction to fire tests of system and its components manufactured by their customers in the Efectis Era laboratory in Dilovası, Türkiye. In the case that the audit processes show performance consistency is maintained, TZUS sp issues the Performance Consistency Certificates required for ETA and the CE marking.

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Example for Applying the ETICS
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Test Sample Assembly for ETICS
EN 13823 SBI Test Sample

Contact: turkiye@efectis.com