In certain cases, French ICPE regulations allow fire detection to be provided by the sprinkler system, if it is designed for that. This applies to the French 1510 regulation section (Storage of combustible materials, products or substances in covered warehouses) for logistics units over 3,000 m² and various other ICPE sections.
This solution generates significant savings, as it avoids covering the logistics cells or operating premises with both automatic fire detectors and the sprinkler system.
The detection mentioned here is linked to the activation of a sprinkler head (burst bulb or thermo-fuse). The pressure loss in the network is detected by the sprinkler station, which starts a pump to supply water to the network. The water flow alarm is then used to trigger the general alarm for warning people.
The regulation therefore also require suitability justification of the system implemented for this specific need.
It should be noted that this detection function does not provide the same level of early warning as optical smoke detectors of the point, multi-point suction or linear type (detectors qualified in accordance with the EN 54 series of standards and installed in accordance with standard NF S 61-970). In particular, smouldering fires and slow kinetic fire starts do not generate thermal effects that can activate a sprinkler head early on. It should also be remembered that regarding a mezzanine, a dedicated and appropriate detection system must be provided.
Efectis has developed a dedicated methodology for assessing this sprinkler detection function. On a case-by-case basis, this methodology takes into account : – the type of sprinkler and heat-sensitive head, – the interface between the sprinkler ECS1 and the main ECS. This methodology combines on-site expertise, analysis of documentation and fire simulations.
A number of operators have already entrusted Efectis for using this methodology, which has enabled them to limit their costs and improve the quality of their services. Don’t hesitate to join them and ask us about it!
For further information, please contact Raphaël Thierry
1ECS: Control and Signalling Equipment. The Fire Safety System (SSI) is an assembly comprising, for A category, a Control and Signalling Equipment (ECS) for the fire detection part and a Fire Safety Control Centre (CMSI), designed to manage the Activated Safety Devices (DAS) as well as evacuation management.