
Efectis France has applied for COFRAC accreditation for the development of the reaction to fire test. COFRAC accreditation makes it possible for labs to develop their skills and experience via the establishment of so-called flexible ranges.

Flex 2 is for laboratories that have recognised technical skills, allowing them perfect mastery of measured physical quantities. This flexibility will allow Efectis to extend its skills and knowledge in the field of reaction to fire without the need for an initial audit, and thus to respond more quickly.

The audit was performed in March; it went well and the fire reaction team made great efforts to achieve this goal. The team put in a lot of work and the flexible FLEX 2 range for reaction to fire was conferred on June 13, 2019.

Efectis, in France, has already been accredited by COFRAC for all Euroclasses for more than two years (and for more longer other Efectis locations). This flexibility gives us accreditation for the M classification tests (French standard), the calorimetric tests, the room corner test and many other tests to come.

This flexible Flex 2 range for fire resistance was acquired many years ago.

Contactperson: Lise Rodier – lise.rodier@efectis.com