
The climate crisis and depletion of fossil resources have compelled our generation to seek and propose sustainable alternatives in order to maintain our quality of life. Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as one such solution for individual and larger-scale transportation, offering a viable alternative.

The electric car market has grown rapidly in the past five years. In 2020, global sales of electric cars were 5.5 times higher than in 2015, despite the impact of COVID-19 on the auto industry. The e-scooter market has also seen impressive growth, with sales reaching $33.72 billion in 2022. It is estimated to reach $88.75 billion in 2023, with a 10.6% increase in sales. In the UK alone, there are now over one million electric scooters on the streets.

In recent years, safety has become increasingly important due to more fires being reported. For instance, The City of London reported 507 incidents of lithium battery-related fires over the past five years in 2017.
In case of the E-scooter, despite lack of data regarding the fire occurrence of these vehicles, transport companies have implemented emergency measures to mitigate the fire risk and its associated consequences, including the prohibition of certain of these vehicles.

E scooters picture

Efectis firmly believes that gaining a deeper understanding of the fire risks associated with electric vehicles (EVs) is crucial for adapting our infrastructures and developing effective responses. We are working on comprehensive research aimed at gathering valuable data on electric vehicle fires through a series of carefully designed tests. This research will be followed by a rigorous analysis of the collected data and to numerically predict the impact of the fire behaviour of the electric vehicles on its surroundings, including multi-storey car parks, underground spaces, and residential buildings, the capacity of current fire suppression systems, and the applicability of the existing fire-suppression strategies.

Through our comprehensive study, we aspire to advance the understanding of electric vehicle fires, thereby facilitating the adoption of robust fire prevention and mitigation measures.

This issue affects all stakeholders in infrastructure, safety, and suppliers. We extend an invitation to anyone concerned with this matter to join us.

For further information, please contact:
Soukayna.azdad@efectis.com and Camille.waharte@efectis.com.

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