Efectis UK/Ireland is proud to announce the procurement of two new test apparatus to meet the market demand for cable testing and classification of construction materials. Firstly, they have acquired the Parr Instrument Company’s 6200 Isoperibol Bomb Calorimeter.
This apparatus provides for the BS EN ISO 1716 -2018 test standard, namely ‘Reaction to fire tests for products – Determination of gross heat of combustion (calorific value)’. This will increase the scope of UK/Ireland’s Fire classification of construction products and building elements (BS EN 13501-1) to cover class A2 (not including flooring materials). Three members of staff have already been trained to operate the instrument and have carried out successful round-robin comparison tests within the Group. It is hoped to have the apparatus added to the UKAS 17025 accreditation scope imminently.
The second apparatus is the EN 60332-1-2 Vertical flame propagation apparatus for the single insulated wire or cable test, conforming to EN 60332-1-2 flame propagation and EN 60332-1-3 test for flaming droplets. It has been acquired from Fire Testing Technology Ltd UK. It is also a bench scale test to determine the resistance of a single cable to a 1kW flame application. The test is also included in BS EN 50399, ‘Common test methods for cables under fire conditions. Heat release and smoke production measurement on cables during flame spread test. Test apparatus procedures and results.’

It will also provide for Classification standard BS EN 13501- Part 6: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests on power control and communication cables.
Contact: Maurice McKee – maurice.mckee@efectis.com