

Fire safety regulation is aimed at the safety of people and prevention of propagation, but there are other reasons to look at our buildings. Whether they are of history heritage or brand new, the buildings and what it contains are worth preserving.

Buildings play an essential role in our culture and daily life. To protect a building correctly an integrated approach and custom solutions are often required. Efectis is the best partner to solve fire safety challenges in all buildings. Our recognised fire laboratories and experience in fire safety engineering qualify us to offer the best solution in all situations.


our services

  • Fire tests for validating new materials and new fire protection
  • Real scale, ad-hoc and in situ fire testing
  • Ventilation and smoke extraction tests
  • Design & modelling
    • Comparing the safety level of different solutions
    • Smoke spread studies
    • Structural design
    • Egress analysis
  • Third-part expertise
  • Technical assistance
    • Code evaluation, compliance review, conflict resolution
    • Support during tendering procedures
    • Emergency management and intervention
    • Installation and maintenance of fire protection products and systems
    • Inspections


Buildings Projects led by Efectis

Performance design of a smoke control system for the bridge pavilion

Performance design of a smoke control system for the bridge pavilion

The Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion was designed by the prestigious Zaha Hadid for the 2008 International Exposition. Originally, the bridge served as access to the site and as an... READ MORE
Study renovation of the smoke control system in ‘Forum des Halles’, Paris

Study renovation of the smoke control system in ‘Forum des Halles’, Paris

More than 35 years after it opened, the site of the Halles de Paris had to be restructured and modernised because of its increasing daily attendance and because... READ MORE