


We are constantly challenging ourselves to work better with our clients and partners. By gaining accreditations and certifications, we ensure that we are compliant and our people are equipped to deliver the best level of service.

These accreditations are a formal recognition that Efectis France, Efectis Nederland, Efectis Era Avrasya and Efectis UK/Ireland are competent, independent, and impartial. It ensures our customers receive a high quality service regarding all technical, standard and administrative aspects.

Download the full list of accredited TESTS OF EFECTIS GROUP

Efectis France
Accreditation/certificationNr.ActivityIssued by
As of July 1, 2024, Efectis France is accredited for Testing as a multi-site organization,
under accreditation number 1-7358 for the areas defined in the technical annex to the accreditation certificate in force, whose activities are managed by the Head Office.
This decision applies from the effective date of the accreditation certificate, updated
accordingly, and results in the termination of accreditations No. 1-1762, 1-2470
and 1-7129 from this same date.
NF EN ISO/IEC 170203-0634inspection COFRAC
(the detailed scope is available on request)
ISO 9001232710fire safety engineering & expert judgementAPAVE
ISO 2999013037TrainingLRQA
Other notificationsNr. ActivityIssued by
CE-Notified Body 1812 CE markingEU
Approved by Ministry of Interiorfire resistance and reaction to fire tests, engineering,
smoke extraction engineering
French home ministry
Approved by Ministry of NavyIMO fire behavior testsFrench transportation ministry
Qalified by UTO EDFspecific fire engineering and risk analysis in NPPEDF
Recognized by UAE Civil Defense
(United Arabian Emirates) as a
Laboratory & Certification Body
construction product fire tests and certificationUAE CD
Recognized by SASO (Saudi Arabia) as a
Laboratory & Certification Body
construction product fire tests and certificationSASO
Recognized by QCD (Qatar) as a
Laboratory & Certification Body
construction product fire tests and certificationQCD
Recognized by KSFD (Koweit) as a
Laboratory & Certification Body
construction product fire tests and certificationKFSD
Efectis Nederland
Accreditation/certification Nr. ActivityIssued by
EN ISO/IEC 17025L470 testing laboratories RVA
ISO 9001193865 fire safety engineering & expert judgementDNV
Other notificationsNr. ActivityIssued by
CE-Notified Body1234 CE markingEU
Approved by Ministry of Infrastructure and
Water Management
IMO fire behavior tests for non combustibility
and class division testing
Approved by Ministry of NavyIMO fire behavior tests
Recognized by UAE Civil Defense
(United Arabian Emirates) as a Laboratory
construction product fire testsUAE CD
Recognized by SASO (Saudi Arabia) as a Laboratoryconstruction product fire testsSASO
Recognized by QCD (Qatar) as a Laboratoryconstruction product fire testsQCD
Recognized by KSFD (Koweit) as a Laboratoryconstruction product fire testsKFSD
Efectis Era Avrasya
Accreditation/certification Nr.ActivityIssued by
TS EN ISO/IEC 17025AB-0556-TTestingTÜRKAK
TS EN ISO/IEC 17065AB-0113-UCertificationTÜRKAK
ISO 900130Q13520Fire Safety Engineering
& Expert Judgement
Other notificationsNr. Activity Issued by
CE-Notified Body2184 CE marking EU
Listed by IMOIMO fire behavior tests Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Recognized by UAE Civil Defense (United Arab Emirates) as a Laboratory & Certification BodyFire testing and certification for construction productsUAE CD
Recognized by SASO (Saudi Arabia) as a Laboratory & Certification BodyFire testing and certification for construction productsSASO
Recognized by QCD (Qatar) as a Laboratory & Certification BodyFire testing and certification for construction products QCD
Recognized by KFSD (Kuwait) as a Laboratory & Certification BodyFire testing and certification for construction products KFSD
Recognized by General Directorate of Civil Defence- Kingdom of Bahrain as a Laboratory & Certification BodyFire testing and certification for construction products GDCD
Recognized by Public Authority for Civil Defense & Ambulance – OMAN as a LaboratoryFire testing and certification for construction productsPACDA
Efectis UK / Ireland
Accreditation/certificationNr.ActivityIssued by
EN ISO/IEC 1702510169testingUKAS
EN ISO/IEC 17065 10169certificationUKAS

Other notifications Nr.ActivityIssued by
UK – Approved Body2822UKCA markingBEIS
UK/NI – Notified Body8003UK/NIEU

Recent references

Spalling tests on the Mont Blanc tunnel vault

Spalling tests on the Mont Blanc tunnel vault

Performance design of a smoke control system for the bridge pavilion

Performance design of a smoke control system for the bridge pavilion