
Efectis UK/Ireland has recently been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for the international standard BS EN ISO 1182:2020.

The ISO 1182 equipment provides a procedure for determining whether a product or a substantial component will not, or not significantly, contribute to the fire development, regardless of its end-use applications. For construction products classified as A1 or A2, according to the European classification system (EN 13501-1), a homogeneous product or a substantial component of a non-homogeneous product, must satisfy the criteria as shown below:

Criteria for A1 with regard to ISO 1182 testing:

  1. The temperature increase shall not exceed 30⁰C.
  2. The mass loss shall not exceed 50%.
  3. There shall be not sustained flaming at all.

Criteria for A2 with regard to ISO 1182 testing:

  1. The temperature increase shall not exceed 50⁰C.
  2. The mass loss shall not exceed 50%.
  3. The sustained flaming shall not continue for longer than 20 seconds.

The aforementioned procedure and the same type of apparatus is used for both US and European classification requirements; just the pass/fail criteria has been set differently in each case. In addition, the apparatus is used as well in maritime applications with different criteria set accordingly.

For more information, please contact uk@efectis.com