
As part of its full-scale testing activities, Efectis has now acquired a new tool for transport industries and its stakeholders.

The tool is a semi-circular tunnel that is 60 m long, 6.15 m high and 7.5 m wide. This metal structure is fully modular and designed to meet the specific needs of our customers. Free of any equipment, it can be fitted out on request (with ventilation, fire protection, a fire-safety system, lighting and video, etc.).

This tunnel will enable us to carry out all kinds of ad hoc tests (fire, detection, extinction and ventilation tests, etc.).

Our laboratory teams are able to install specific instrumentation to facilitate the conventional measurement of ambient conditions (temperature, velocity, pressure, heat flux, gas and opacity, etc.) and also the measurement of the Heat Release Rate (HRR) of fire development by oxygen consumption, loss of mass or fluxmetry.

Tunnel1 four Saint Yan

This test facility, which will be supervised by Efectis, is a recognised fire-safety expert laboratory. Customers can use it to assess all the detection, extinguishing, monitoring and fire-behaviour systems for their rolling stock, road infrastructure and all their other tunnel or large-volume applications. This test facility complements the Large Testing Hall (144 m² and 11 m high), based on the same principle of modular volume.

For further information, please contact: Gildas Auguin