
Efectis UK/Ireland has recently been carrying out a number of fire resistance tests for ‘open state’ cavity barriers used in the external envelopes or fabric of buildings.

The test is currently based on the ASFP Technical Guidance Document TGD 19: 2017. This test method is intended to evaluate the fire resistance performance of the ‘open state’ cavity against fire exposure from below, with respect to the time from ignition of the furnace to the time of activating the cavity barrier so as to completely seal the cavity and then maintain the seal for a specified duration.

The test assembly does not normally include a facade system. Some clients, however, are finding it beneficial to produce an ad hoc design of their facade system to assist them with their research and development. The construction and testing industries are awaiting the completion of a European standard for cavity barriers which also includes the ‘open state’ barriers.

Contact: Maurice McKee – maurice.mckee@efectis.com