How can we help you?

Efectis is an independent third party assessing the fire performance of products, systems or constructions. We can help you worldwide.


Efectis all over the world

Efectis is involved in projects worldwide. By being actively involved in many markets, Efectis’ reports are appreciated in more and more countries. New installations are built up annually in our laboratories to offer additional possibilities.

With our knowledge of fire physics, we offer custom solutions. Efectis follows the ambitions of its partners and thus works together on a fire-safe world.

Efectis Headquarter Efectis Headquarter +33 1 60 13 83 82 Route de l'Orme des Merisiers
91190 Saint-Aubin, France
Laboratory Efectis France - Lab Metz +33 3 87 51 11 11 Voie Romaine
57280 Maizières-lès-Metz, France
Laboratory, Engineering and Certification Efectis Nederland +31 (0)88 3473 723 Brandpuntlaan Zuid 16
2665 NZ Bleiswijk, The Netherlands
Laboratory, Engineering and Certification Efectis Era Avrasya +90 262 658 16 62 Dilovası Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
5.Kısım Fırat Cad. No:18 Dilovası 41455
Laboratory Efectis UK/Ireland +44 289 036 87 66 Jordanstown Campus, FireSERT Building
Block 27, Shore Road
Newtownabbey BT 37 0QB, United Kingdom
Engineering and Certification Efectis UK/Ireland +44 203 973 01 81 307 Euston Road
London NW1 3AD, United Kingdom
Laboratory Efectis UK/Ireland +44 289 036 87 66 Kilroot Business Park
Larne Road
Carrickfergus BT38 7PR, United Kingdom
Laboratory Efectis UK/Ireland +44 289 592 82 05 Wentloog Corporate Park
Cardiff CF3 2ER, United Kingdom
Efectis France - Délégation Normandie +33 3 87 51 40 03 3 Rue Franche Comté
50130 Cherbourg En Cotentin, France
Efectis Nederland - Agency Dordrecht +31 (0)88 3473 723 Wilgenbos 14-20
3311 JX Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Laboratory Efectis France - Lab Les Avenières +33 4 37 06 38 11 ZI Les Nappes
149, route du Marc
38630 Les Avenières Veyrins-Thuellin, France
Laboratory, Full-scale test and training Efectis France - Lab Saint-Yan +33 6 71 13 21 34 Aérodrome de Saint-Yan
71600 Saint-Yan, France
Engineering and Certification Efectis France Engineering & Certification +33 1 60 13 83 82 Espace Technologique - Route de l'Orme des Merisiers
91190 Saint-Aubin, France
Efectis France - Délégation Ile de France +33 1 60 13 83 82 Espace Technologique - Route de l'Orme des Merisiers
91190 Saint-Aubin, France
Efectis France - Délégation Rhône-Alpes +33 3 87 51 40 03 Immeuble 380 – 2ème étage
30 rue Marguerite, 69100 Villeurbanne, France
Efectis France - Délégation Midi-Aquitaine +33 4 67 27 31 80 19/23 Quai de Paludate Manager St-Jean
33800 Bordeaux, France
Efectis France - Délégation Nord-Atlantique +33 4 67 27 31 80 Efectis France chez Euptouyou
Parc d’Ar Mor – Zénith – Immeuble Asturia C
4 rue Edith Piaf, 44821 Saint Herblain, France
Efectis France - Délégation Grand Est +33 3 87 51 40 03 27 Place St Thiebault
57000 Metz, France
Efectis France - Délégation Pierrelatte +33 4 67 27 31 80 2 rue André Lenôtre
26700 Pierrelatte, France
Efectis France - Délégation Seine-et-Marne +33 4 67 27 31 80 11, rue Robert Schuman
77330 Ozoir La Ferriere, France
Efectis Iberica +34 671 671 167 C/ Méndez Alvaro, 20
28045 Madrid, Spain
Efectis Italia +39 351 6175162 Ufficio Cadorago
Casella Postale 11
22071 Cadorago (Co) – I, Italy

News & updates

See more
19.2.2025 Efectis strengthens its involvement in French Nuclear sector Since its creation, Efectis France has been heavily involved in fire safety in nuclear facilities. Since the late 1980s, this involvement has, for example, led Efectis France experts... Read more
19.2.2025 Merging Art and Fire Safety Studio Job is a renowned art and design collective led by visionary Job Smeets (born 1969). With headquarters in Antwerp, Belgium, studios in the Netherlands and Milan, and... Read more
19.2.2025 BS 9991:2024 – A New Era in Residential Fire Safety The latest revision of BS 9991:2024, the British Standard for fire safety in the design, management, and use of residential buildings, marks a significant step forward in ensuring... Read more

Our publications

Jet Fire & Hydrocarbon fire tests Download
Efectis Group brochure EN Download
Fire Resistance tests Download
Efectis Group brochure (Italian version) Download
Fire testing for railway and marine sectors Download
Mobile Furnace - Cost effective on-site fire resistance test Download
Fire Safety Engineering Download
Thermal analysis to determine the fire safety structure Download
Thermal-structural fire modelling with finite elements methods Download
Fire investigation Download
Fire Safety in Tunnels Download
Efectis - Leader in large scale tunnel fire tests Download
Track record - Tunnel projects Download
RWS test procedure for concrete tunnel linings and other tunnel components Download
Fire testing procedure concrete tunnel linings [report replaced by R0695:2020] Download