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7.3.2023 Full reaction to fire service in UK What is reaction to fire testing and classification? Reaction to fire (RtF) is the response of a product in terms of contributing – by its own decomposition –... Read more
7.3.2023 Fire testing of valves at Efectis Valves play a crucial role in controlling the flow of liquids, gases and steam in various industrial and commercial applications. In the case of fire outbreaks, the integrity... Read more
7.3.2023 Thermal shock tests When people think of dampers, the types that generally come to mind are fire and smoke control dampers. Of course, different institutes also define several sub-types for each... Read more
7.3.2023 Efectis involved in the largest bike parking facility in Amsterdam  Every year millions of travellers come to Amsterdam by train. Conversely, more than 100,000 travellers leave the city from the magnificent Central Station. Many of them come by... Read more
29.11.2022 International Hydrogen Safety Workshop: The international Hydrogen/Hydrogen Safety Workshop will be held in London (UK) next February 13, 2023. The event is organised by Efectis UK/Ireland and University College London (UCL) in... Read more
29.11.2022 International Building Safety Workshop: The International Building Safety Workshop will be held in London (UK) next February 14, 2023. The event is organised by Efectis UK/Ireland and University College London (UCL) in... Read more
22.11.2022 Pool fire tests at Efectis – petrol and diesel tanks for small craft In 2018, Efectis purchased new testing equipment that enables full-scale hydrocarbon pool fire tests to be performed with all the required safety and confidentiality conditions. The equipment is... Read more
22.11.2022 A physical model to predict the failure time of a hydrogen tank in a fire In hydrogen vehicles, the hydrogen is stored in composite on-board tanks at a nominal working pressure of 35 MPa (buses) to 70 MPa (cars). When exposed to a... Read more
22.11.2022 Fire safe christmas Testing and assessing Christmas trees and Christmas decorations according to the Dutch technical agreement (NTA 8007) combined with an assessment according to Section 7.4 of the Dutch Building... Read more
22.11.2022 Efectis training given to safety & civil defence experts Efectis team conducted training for occupational safety experts and civil defence experts working at the Turkish Ministry of Education within the scope of the Regulation on the Protection... Read more
21.11.2022 UKCA rules The UKCA marking is the product marking used for products being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales). The UKCA marking applies to most... Read more
21.11.2022 Fire tests with active fire protection systems in a full-scale timber mock-up In application of the principles of the Paris Police Headquarters concerning the fire safety rules to be followed for the construction of buildings with bio-based materials, Efectis was... Read more