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19.6.2023 Testing innovative aircraft containers Since September 2022, Efectis has been performing research and development tests on aircraft containers for Inflight Canada. The containers are different from the containers Efectis has tested in... Read more
19.6.2023 Wildfires In the context of building and infrastructure protection against wildfires, Efectis Research & Innovation (R&I) has performed a series of full-scale calorimeter tests on burning conifer. This experimental... Read more
19.6.2023 Fire behaviour of fire retardant façade covered with reed ‘When you drive through the polder landscape in the autumn, the waving reed collars with their characteristic plumes forms a beautiful backdrop’, according to the website of the... Read more
19.6.2023 Balcony fire research An increase in medium and high-rise residential development in cities has been seen globally, driving the need to provide more outdoor amenity space for occupants of apartments. To... Read more
19.6.2023 Research & innovation for hydrogen – partner of the EU project ROAD TRHYP The ROAD TRHYP project has been selected by the European Commission for funding under the Horizon Europe programme, which is dedicated to research and innovation. The overall objective... Read more
19.6.2023 Structural fire safety webinar series Efectis Era Avrasya, in collaboration with Türkiye İMSAD, continues to keep its audience updated by holding webinars on fire safety topics. Three such webinars were held in recent... Read more
15.3.2023 Fire behaviour of Mentos products in the spotlight Efectis has received a special research request from confectionery manufacturer Perfetti Van Melle relating to a new way of storing some of its stock. From now on, at... Read more
8.3.2023 Fire testing from above for floor/ceiling constructions When performing fire tests, it is generally assumed that the fire is from below, even when testing floor constructions. But what happens to an upper floor in a... Read more
7.3.2023 Fire safety of a fish factory, Faroe Islands For a new fish feed factory on the Faroe Islands, the company Verkfo asked us to determine the heat of combustion of the salmon feed produced in this... Read more
7.3.2023 Wildland-Urban-Interface Fire Touristic Infrastructures Protection Solutions The kick-off meeting of the new European Union co-funded project WUITIPS, short for Wildland-Urban-Interface Fire Touristic Infrastructures Protection Solutions, took place in Barcelona on 9 and 10 February... Read more
7.3.2023 Test of a LED panel type COBALT P6.67 as installed in the FC Volendam stadium Dutch football club FC Volendam has been advised to investigate the reaction to fire of its new COBALT P6.67 LED panels. These panels are installed around the playing... Read more
7.3.2023 Lithium-ion battery fires: reducing the risk Lithium-ion battery technology first appeared in the 1970s and has been continuously improved over time to extend its life. It has become the technology of choice for many... Read more